Sunday, November 2, 2014

School Uniforms: Logos, Pathos, Egos

Should schools carry out the school uniform policy? The idea of school uniforms seems like an antiquated concept for many. In some places throughout the world wearing school uniforms is a norm,  in others individualism is a fundamental value. Especially in the western society, people strongly believe in the right to express their own opinion without fear or punishment. However, This value has been placed under pressed recently and the issue of whether or not schools should incorporate a uniform policy has produced allot of discussion. Personally, it is thought that uniforms are a good idea and should be implemented throughout the 

Firstly, it has been proven that Students studying in schools requiring school uniforms generally perform very well academically and seem happy wearing the same outfit every day.This is based on the fact students spend less time looking at their mode of dressing, thus focusing more school work, as opposed to a new fashion trend. Students who wear uniforms do better in school as well. They are on task more because they aren't worrying about how they look. There is less distraction due to uniforms. "Uniforms set a more serious tone in the classroom that is conducive to learning and can improve student performance." School uniforms improve student attendance. Also, by getting of rid the extra time choosing clothes, students are able to sleep and study more. As a result, students' grades rise.

In addition to the aforementioned point, One of the biggest concerns in schools these days is bullying. Students are harassed physically, verbally, and socially. The latest trend in bullying is cyberbullying. Often, the cause of bullying stems from people being different for not wearing the “right” clothes. If someone looks richer, most people feel like they have a higher social status or more power. To the contrary, uniforms allow children to learn on a more level playing field, with less judgment about clothing choices, brands of clothing, or physical appearance. uniforms tend to close the socioeconomic gap that exists between students as it makes them students equal. Studies have shown that uniforms made for a safer learning environment, and 80% of girls and 62% of boys actually liked the uniforms

Additionally, a lot of students who wear uniforms claim that they feel more proud of their school. School colors gives students a feeling of being more connected to their school and classmates. If there is a sense of community and connectedness among the students, the use of foul language, gang behavior, and crimes like vandalism are largely eliminated. Wearing school uniforms can also help people gain more self-confidence because they know they are a part of something bigger. Students will not lose their personality but will merely learn new ways to express themselves.

One of the main concerns people have about wearing school uniforms is conformity. People fear that by making children look the same, their individuality will be suppressed. However, this is not the case. Accessories, such as bracelets and hair clips, can jazz up a school uniform. Besides, students can wear their own clothing after school and during weekends. An individual’s personality is not wholly expressed by fashion alone. Personality is determined by the way a person moves, feels, thinks, and talks. Wearing a school uniform neither defines a child’s personality nor erases it.

There are even more advantages to wearing school uniforms in public schools in addition to those previously mentioned. School uniforms also have a benefit on parents too as it means lower costs for them during back-to-school shopping and easier mornings. When there's no debate on what a student is allowed wear to school, then that makes mornings easier for parents and for kids. Everyone knows exactly what the kids need to wear, their regulated school uniform. This can lead to a decrease in morning arguments. 
In conclusion, there are many well-documented benefits to implementing mandatory school uniforms for students. Studies show that students act more responsibly, learn better and feel better when they wear uniforms. schools should require uniforms in order to benefit both the students and society as a whole.

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