Explain, with reference to works you have studied, why writers are frequently drawn to tell stories about characters who are rebellious towards or in some way alienated from society
Authors are frequently drawn to tell stories about rebellious and alienated characters, as they are drawn to construct a unique literary work. In their respective novels, Achebe and Mahfouz portray rebellious and alienated characters such as Okonkwo and Said Mehran to be symbolic of their society and thus convey the authors' unique intentions in writing their novels; to signify the social flaw that lead to the ultimate downfall of social groups, such as that of the Igbo culture in the African colonialism era and the Egyptian society during the 1952 Revolution.
‘We admire defiance and disobedience – especially in the face of the inevitable.’
In light of this view, consider ways in which writers explore defiance and disobedience.
Through the use of characterization, stylistic features and setting of social context, Achebe and Mahfouz are able to depict realistic stories of that of their main characters Said Mehran and Okonkow. In doing so, the writers are able to signify social flaw